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Pi Network Introduces DM Staking Feature to Combat Spam in Messaging

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The cryptocurrency project Pi Network has rolled out a new feature within its Pi Chat application, allowing users, known as Pioneers, to send direct messages (DMs) to one another.

This feature, named "My Chat," can be accessed via the chat list or chatrooms within the app.

However, unlike traditional messaging platforms, Pi Network has implemented a staking system designed to prevent spam and maintain the quality of communication among its users.

To initiate a DM for the first time, users are required to stake a minimum of 0.2 Pi. This amount may increase if the recipient frequently receives numerous DM requests, with the primary aim of deterring spam.

If the DM request is accepted by the recipient, the staked Pi is returned to the sender. However, if the request is declined, the staked Pi is forfeited.

Additionally, each DM transaction incurs a fee of 0.01 Pi, which is non-refundable regardless of whether the DM request is accepted or rejected.

Currently, only text messages can be sent via DM, but future updates will allow for image and video sharing.

Only Pioneers with migrated wallets and unlocked Pi can send DMs. However, having a migrated wallet is not required to receive DMs.

Once a DM is established, users have the option to block or report other users if necessary.

With this feature, Pi Network aims to provide a more secure and controlled communication experience within its community.

Warm greetings from us jitumaster for all pioneers wherever you are, especially for pioneers in Indonesia, greetings of success!!!


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